Hear the call of the Whakatane Kiwi

Whakarongo mai ra ki te tangi o te kiwi o Whakatane

Kiwi hold a special place in the Hearts of New Zealanders. Help them to thrive and prosper.

In the Whakatane District, kiwi are literally in our backyard. We have the unique opportunity to be able to walk off the pavement into the bush and be in kiwi territory. Without active management to support breeding and minimise predators, kiwi will eventually disappear from the Whakatane Distict. Whakatane Kiwi need your help.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Kiwi Week and Kiwiathon 2010

Kiwi Week 2010
Monday 26 July to Sunday 1 August
In September 2009 Radio 1XX in Whakatane held the first ever ‘Kiwiathon’ and raised over $3000 for the Whakatane Kiwi Trust. The Kiwiathon included a phone-in auction of items donated by the Whakatane business community, phone-in pledges, kiwi music, kiwi facts, guest speakers and a fund raising Bar-B-Q.
In July 2010, Radio 1XX will again host a Kiwiathon and hopes to raise $10,000 for the Whakatane Kiwi Trust.

Most of the work done by the Whakatane Kiwi Trust, including predator control, kiwi aversion training for dogs, education, kiwi releases, fund raising and publicity, is undertaken by volunteers. Helping the Trust to support its volunteers and to provide support and equipment directly contributes to the wellbeing of the kiwi.
During Kiwi Week, The Whakatane Kiwi Trust will promote Coins for Kiwi - collection buckets will be placed at various locations through the district for customers, clients and staff to place a gold coin donation.We encourage businesses to challenge each other.

The weekend of July 31st and August 1st will again see a Kiwiathon hosted by Radio1XX from 10am to 2pm on both days.An auction on radio willl be held with sponsored goods from various businesses in our district. Sunday afternoon will conclude with a live auction of extra goods,a BBQ,the live draw of our major prize of 2 return flights to Sydney from Harvey World Travel and a Kiwi release all at Radio 1XX - items can be previewed at 1XX.co.nz from 1st July 2010.

Also during the week there will be a static display by Whakatane District Council in the old Briscoes building in the Mall , a Kiwi Encounter educational display in the Info Centre and a dog aversion training session.

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