Hear the call of the Whakatane Kiwi

Whakarongo mai ra ki te tangi o te kiwi o Whakatane

Kiwi hold a special place in the Hearts of New Zealanders. Help them to thrive and prosper.

In the Whakatane District, kiwi are literally in our backyard. We have the unique opportunity to be able to walk off the pavement into the bush and be in kiwi territory. Without active management to support breeding and minimise predators, kiwi will eventually disappear from the Whakatane Distict. Whakatane Kiwi need your help.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Kiwi News July 2010

Its time to catch up with Bridget and what is happening with our kiwi.

Ohope Scenic Reserve

All kiwi have been pinged here this month.  Some of the Juvies had health checks this month.  Punga had his second health check done and weighed in at 1230gms.  Aotearoa's health check is due, but at present Bridget is unable to find him.  Toi has started to head south and had his second health check.  He weighed in at 1080gms. Rangiremoana and Wainui both had their first health checks in the wild and weighed 1010gms and 1060gms.

In August and in September we are doing egg lifts for Operation Nest Egg. Pouraiti, Mika, Kahurangi and Te Hau are all incubating, so fingers crossed.


All birds have been pinged here this month.  Noti, Wiremu and and Marie are all due to be changed to their adult transmitters. Te Kauhoe will just have his transmitter changed for another juvie one.  Oneone is now due for his second health check.  Koru unfortunately has still not been found, but Michelle and Dave will be going up in a helicopter to see if they can get her signal.

Razorback Ridge

Rewi-Ray, Ngahuia and Morehu were all pinged this month.  However Naomi and Wharua were not found.  There is at present extensive logging happening on the ridge and Bridget is hesitant to venture up there while this is happening.  Also due many slips after the recent weather the road have been closed off.

Kohi Point

Whiuwhiu, Kapu, Te Rangi, Ranginui and Te Ra are all due for their transmitter changes.  Moko will be having his second health check in August.


Hirimai had his first health check and is looking very good.  Egg lifts are due here this next month with Rata, Rua, Te Kooti and James all incubating.


Bridget will be heading over to island in August to check all the males and change Motu's transmitter.

Omataroa Kiwi Project

They have caught new new (very large) males here and are now keeping an eye on them.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Kiwi Week and Kiwiathon 2010

The Whakatane Kiwi Trust had another successful Kiwi Week and Kiwiathon.  Thank you to all the volunteers who helped and attended the live auction at Radio 1XX on Sunday 1st August. 

We had a BBQ and announced the winner of the flights to Sydney - thanks Donella and everyone at Harvey World Travel.

Also thanks to Putauaki School who has been studying kiwi in class and turned up with an amazing poster of a kiwi that was covered in donations from their school.  Thanks Guys!!! 

They also stayed on and Guss our Avian Aversion Trainer showed them how training dogs to avoid kiwi can help the kiwi to survive.

We are still counting the donations - so watch this space to see how much we have raised.

Thanks everyone!!!!!